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bohemian evening dresses

I am sorry but this is absolutely ridiculous. Children change constantly as to who they are or what they are. Gavin thought he was a cockroach for a while and Rhiannon loved being a sheepdog. But we didnt encourage them to follow that path. Better example is my two brothers when they were little. Paul (pix) would not be seen dead in anything that a girl had worn even jeans and would crack up if it was even mentioned to wear them where as my other brother Jeremy couldnt care less if a girl had worn it and has even worn one of mums nighties to bed when the rainy season was on and we had run out of dry clothes. Now that they are fully grown men Paul is the opposite and very Bohemian and has even dressed as a female to catch a bus home at Christmas time (he got a cheaper ticket using a female friends pass) and as for Jeremy well you couldnt get a more blokes bloke. So you see what children are when they are little is all about growing up and molding themselves. So leave them be just that...... children bohemian evening dresses

-0:48 More Settings Click for more 7 News Sydney 3,857,471 Views Show more reactions It looks like you may be having problems playing this video. If so, please try restarting your browser.Close Pre-School Gender Transition Posted by 7 News Sydney 3,857,471 Views 3,857,471 Views 7 News Sydney August 31, 2016 ยท

Four-year-old pre-schooler undergoing gender transition at Westmead.

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Report on 7 News at 6pm.

Reporter: Chloe Bailey

# Gender # 7News