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consignment wears for formal party

I'm so starving and lack of nutritional intake coz no one has nutrienal values at stake,more instant packet preservative zap,bake and ready,has no value ,to sorry I do not do carb dieting the price paid for sum thing at home you could make with more of a value contents that maybe it's good to fast the body of what others seemingly think there doing a favour to them self,I have not had a sugar fix,been soft drink,coffee,no cordia nothing but lemon infused water and home made juice ,probably is getting me more through this strongly mentally retraining the brain what around can't,and subject them selfs to junk and plan just nothing worthy of the product there eating...noticeably as a result there lack of routine,there brain works slower and reduces productive skills thought pattern s if not fed the right foods,real fruits,not one kind ,but variation's good to have a option of more then one kind .. if I starve and full fill the goodness I get up better then eny one I witness there faults from bad intake,I sure don't do drugs and never needed a substance to maintain what u should be able to cope doing with out it... witch my observation makes it all more worth ure night out not doing and chasing things should have all ready been done prior any intake so then you can enjoy whatever it may be vice of choice but having that one night riding it,give u the mind frame that tomorrow to ure nxt night on a calendar of day with out more better feeling for life that realitity is what we are born in,farsading substance only cures a poor educated low skilled brain spam causing them to chaise the outta realitity to verge of needing substance just to get through the most easiest of chores,days,weeks,to year ..and when child's funds are prominently spends on ones ongoing addiction as sum payments include an amount more harmful to those that don't get such handout to support there illness,maybe try it,coz whatever happens in near future for ure self taking ongoing substance u won't be diagnosed from any what might be really suffering from to takes a year for ure chemical diopemne in ure brain to restore it's back to heathly levels giving u that happy and desirable sence back with out any use of drugs.. but only the weak find this a hard task.. and I see n hear it by those who go without less then I do still at daddy's n mummy house yet thay state out loud I was,gunna,I should of,I nearly did,but there self worth for them selfs needs to be practised before thay think there doing better trying to not be lonely , unhealthy,smelling shoes kinda cunts,dressed in rags,, then after more of amount then average person needing more coz if u can see the skills u don't see in that revolving pathway ure in ,font have the power to say to self uve had ure binge,bender,knowing u concord nothing but then needing more to get done what really I no I can do with drugs,,,like saying fucking hell shopping is a basic task were programmed to know to do straight ,for more great reasoning then not...but high and shopping just gives u more a reason to think that's as best as ure time on drugs is gonna be,doing what u should just do...more reason to look forwards to ure night out maybe to self reward on achieving what u couldn't do last week to months on end is better then having that drug just to think what day it is ,to FORGETTING simple cleanliness and personal grouming,to most thinking there king only influenced then when straight,a real king holds his grandeur and thoughts no matter what,if on drugs it should open doors to much more intricate and probable causes ,motives that you couldn't think of normally, not just be high and yep Il mop,who the pays themselfs to mop per say that should be just exampling sum thing all ready done...otherwise long term use will have u so much more unskilled and useless that it's pretty sad .. and those who sleep without ..coz there so much in need just to think to know to wake up..make me sick..get a hold of ure self,,we wernt born on this drug that came out 10-15 years as a epidemic,, if so ud be incubated still as I say most are with out... Really only few becum more fundiage from such life destroying substance that yet any one here hosetly living a life of Kardashian?? If so please document that shit is what will have fame at the end of day..use it to give a a stepping stone as such then putting in pokies giving it all back to government milking the world all ready... kicking back in his gold gown,ciggar lite fire set in mansion while ure up looking ure self before it opens up and doorways to learning ure self just to set ure self a " ure doing sum thing" wow look at me" I'm pushing buttons looking the lot everyone,whilst that amount could be given to study for cures ,save sum one u might no bout needing it but care less ay... build a self named hotel like trump himself as a aonpurnure would be fame and give the epidemic sum maybe line of credit instead making it stereotype that it's bad,,as people amounts this epo,don't take it and join in on the bad when there's more good with using on paper the scale of the cross,pros,cons,good,and beads as I've learnt working with psychologist and other people that are titled smarter then the doctors that u let take blood... a person who injects has more skill base then the 7year study to be a nurse even then can't be more stupid who ever had passed there degree.. most ppl that's less then under half percent have the knowledge to be better at working professionals that must indeed only be exsessable holding sum diploma,or certificate,but there's a small amount as well given such awards really so not safe to even be in work that look around those cunts getting white cards 4 weeks of bonging,drinking on study thinking his poor level of facts of the job is all he needs and passes,yet still couldn't get a day real job with that other wise ud have one with that card... other wise u wouldn't of studied in influenced state of mind knowing if at all was a man for his job no way woUld u think that's a pass been stoned and high risk on a building things get advanced them sorts of gronks be were there at now ...still or not needed... And making a bad print for those on the same team of work those who do better for the field there in but took time to explore the study.. just coz ,u have paper work and sum ruffly accredited cirtificate,look upon ure self...u yet have not one day on a site ,nor can say u schooleard ureself a profound cover job telling ure self u have changed,yet still be drinking on the job from day one... long road before u might survive but change is about inner self before a fasard... consignment wears for formal party